Mitt Romney for President

They say his Mormon religion could be used against him, but that argument would look ridiculous and hypocritical to everyone but the most evangelical Christian.

Still, I think I’d vote for him, and it would be a pretty cool thing to see a guy with good Mormon values in the White House.

Mitt for President

He doesn’t have the name recognition of a John McCain or Rudy Giuliani, but maybe with some good debates and face time, he’ll get more noticed.

4 thoughts on “Mitt Romney for President”

  1. I think he has a pretty good chance for the nomination…although the polls don’t show it now. A lot can happen in a year.
    His fundraising has been spectacular and he’s gaining support from some evangelicals. I think Giuliani and McCain will have some hurdles to get over and will likely stumbe. Could be an interesting matchup: Romney v. Clinton (or Obama)

  2. i like Mitt, too. Seems like a pretty level-headed guy. It will be interesting to see what kind of questions about Mormonism come up in interviews/debates, etc. “Do you wear the funny underwear?” etc. etc.

  3. I got an email from a friend to “join Mitt’s team” and it had links to some videos about him and his views. I didn’t really know too much about him. I spent some time yesterday on youtube watching clips from interviews from dateline and other news shows. He is very smooth and I liked his style in answering tough questions. Looks like he has a good chance!

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